Milkham New Forest

Milkham New Forest Naked HikeMilkham New Forest naked hike. This is an excellent route due to being able to adapt the route according to time available and fitness levels of those walking. Milkham, in the New Forest, is a beautiful area so take your camera.

Location: Milkham RouteGoogle Maps Location
Alternate Route: Milkham Route 2
Start Point: Milkham car park as indicated on map
End Point: As start point
Ease of Walk (1 easy 10 hard): 6 – some larger hills to climb but not too strenuous
Length: 4.5 miles approx
Duration: 2.5 hour approx
Nude Time: 99%
Textile Encounter Probability: 22%

The Milkham, New Forest, naked hike is perfect for those who want a good walk with a little energy expended on a route that can be readily adapted to how much time is available to the walker. The route shown here is about 4.5 miles long and will take around 2.5 to 3 hours to complete but to make it shorter, you can cut across the vertical lines.

On a warm day, day a picnic and enjoy the sanctuary of the Slufters Pond (shown on the map) which, being out of the way, rarely gets any other visitors. There are lots of scenic places to stop for 5 minutes and take a picture or just rest but keep an eye out for the abundant wildlife in the area.

Textile encounter here is higher than on other walks due to the tracks which are a favourite for cyclists and dog walkers alike. Your choice of whether to cover up but we have not seen any adverse reactions to nudity in this area – just smile and wave!

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26 Responses to Milkham New Forest

  1. Phil says:

    Thanks for sharing these walks. I originally come from the area and visit now and then. I’ve been trying to find some “safe” places to walk, so it’s nice to know of a few tried and tested routes.

    I was looking at the possibility of a few near Brockenhurst (Denny Wood/Standing Hat area) or possibly near to the High Corner Inn (Woodford Bottom). I’ve only walked TO these places and gone nude, rather than walk nude around them.

    I may be heading down to try the Milkham route this week.

  2. Mat says:

    I tend to walk here quite regularly on Sundays had a few bemused looks from textiles but no adverse reactions so far.

  3. John says:

    I had a great walk from Miklham car park last Sunday, 7am start I managed a couple of hours around Milkham / Roe enclosure. Naked apart from the first / last quarter mile. Not sure on the exact route, I tend to follow my nose, but ended u[ at Roe Cottage and followed Linford Brook for a while. Also a place where a path disappeared into dense trees and turned into a sort of tunnel . Not sure if I’d be able to find that again, but look forward to more exploration on a weekday.

    A couple of weeks ago I managed a circuit from Pigbush to Woodfidley, over the railway and into Denny Lodge enclosure , very quiet, a still grey evening which turned to a very pleasant light drizzle. No other vehicles in the car park when I got back, so naked all the way apart from crossing the line a t Woodfidley Lodge.

  4. Guy Taddiford says:

    Hi, I’ve walked quite a few times in and around Milkham enclosure but not often from Milkham carpark, you do often encounter dog walkers, but this is usually first thing in the morning/ evening dog walks. I have also encountered Duke of Edinburgh walkers too, I did cover up when I saw them. Mid week is obviously better than weekends for less chance of bumping into others, and the school holidays has a chance of encounter the closer you are to Red Shoot campsite. The gravel paths have more chances of bikes which pop into view very quickly! And usually from behind which can catch you out!

  5. Paul says:

    Hi..I have sunbathed naked at Milkham. There are several gaps in the gorse and bracken that make suitable discreet dens for this. The only worry of course being ticks, but if vigilant, then one can avoid this problem.

    I have walked quite a distance along the track from the car park, disrobing after about 15 minutes..clothes into backpack. I have encountered other walkers, but always careful.

    • admin says:

      Not done any sunbathing at Milkham; have done at Ocknell (right next to the pond) and everyone I have met has not battered an eyelid at it. Let’s do more!

  6. Guy Taddiford says:

    Hi, after trying a walk at Ocknell and abandoned it because of the cold wind, went to Milkham to walk there. Really very pleasant in the sunshine with the trees stopping the wind, did see a few people, dog walkers mainly, stopping to chat with one couple after covering up when I was quite close, they commented that I was more appropriately dressed for a walk than they were! Another was a lone women dogwalker who looked quite nervous so covered up and passed her, exchanged a hello and all was OK. No point in upsetting anyone, a very nice walk!

  7. Paul Sumner says:

    What are the dates for the naked hikes..I use Milkham for naked sunbathing (someurkers now and then but ignore them). Is it a naked ramblers club that I can join?

    • admin says:

      Hi Paul – we have a WhatsApp group that you can join; at the moment, it is more “anyone want to do a walk” rather than organised events. If you email me at the admin address with your number, I’ll add you to the group.

      We are planning a meet at Meon Shore tomorrow if it’s not too late notice.

  8. Paul says:

    Hi sorry for replying so late..been off line for a while..please e mail me here with the group info I would like to be included..

    Many thanks and look forward to hearing from apologies once again for the late reply

  9. Paul Sumner says:

    Hi and thank you for the invite..received today and accepted..looking forward to a few rambles over the coming months..
    I have sunbathed naked at Milkham a few times, can be really pewceful and walked the long track from the car park, usually mid week when quiet. Hoping for further info on other walks
    Thank you again..Paul..

  10. Paul Sumner says:

    Hi and thank you for the invite..received today and accepted..looking forward to a few rambles over the coming months..
    I have sunbathed naked at Milkham a few times, can be really peaceful, also walked the long track from the car park, usually mid week when quiet. Hoping for further info on other walks
    Thank you again..Paul..

  11. Paul Sumner says:

    Hi..may I ask you to resend the WhatsApp invite..I have deleted the group in error when tidying up my in box..Many thanks..Paul

  12. Paul Wood says:

    Hello, I have done a lot of walking naked alone but would like to experience some naturist walking within a group for a change. This location seems amazing. Would I be able to join the WhatsApp group please of it’s still going.


    • admin says:

      No problem Paul; just email your phone number to me and I’ll add you to the group. With the weather (hopefully) getting better, we’ll start some more walks.

  13. Allen Chandler says:

    I have wanted to get into naked walking for a long time but have never known where to go. Have just found this and am keen to try it but nervous about doing it alone.
    Would it be possible to join your WhatsApp group with a view to coming on a walk with a like minded group.

  14. Anthony Wakeham says:

    Can you go any time and is the route clearly sign posted . I like hiking on my own is it permitted.

    • admin says:

      The route is not signposted however if you print the route from Google Maps, you should be able to follow it easy enough. Most routes are circular and there’s little chance in getting lost.

  15. Rob Goff says:

    im looking to open my mind to this any help would be great

  16. Jon says:

    Hi all I’ve found that going for a walk after 5 seems to be the best time it also the best time to see all the wildlife. Sunsets can be pretty amazing too. Just means getting home late. On the flip side I’m totally relaxed and refreshed after a long walk off freedom

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