Ocknell Pond New Forest

Ocknell Pond New Forest Naturist WalkThe Ocknell Pond New Forest naked hike route. Below are the details for this much loved walk by naturists from all over the south of England.


NOTE: Car park open status currently is:   Open.

Location: Ocknell Pond RouteGoogle Maps Location
Start Point: Ocknell Pond car park as indicated on map
End Point: As start point
Ease of Walk (1 easy 10 hard): 3 – some smallish hills to climb
Length: 2.8 miles approx
Duration: 1 hour approx
Nude Time: 99%
Textile Encounter Probability: 8%

The Ocknell Pond New Forest naked hike is a relatively easy walk and ideal for the novice naked walking naturist as the probability of meeting textiles on route is extremely low – maybe an occasional dog walker. The route is mainly flat with just a couple of gentle hills and is mostly track so footwear can be trainers or hiking boots.

As the route is quite circular, you can walk it either way round; start at car park (for both ways) and either head straight for the track (east) or go through the woodland by the car park and follow the westward route. Whichever way you go, you will finish at the car park which does tend to get busy during the summer months – you can usually stay nude up to about 100 yards from the car park.

Visibility on the route is very good for the majority of the walk with textiles being seen from a distance so you have plenty of time to cover up if you prefer.

This route can be done in conjunction with the Mogshade Hill Walk.

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88 Responses to Ocknell Pond New Forest

  1. Rob says:

    Checked this afternoon and the car park is closed. Not sure if it was closed for Covid-19 or just to protect birds nesting but they have not bothered opening up either way. Parking is available the other side of the road or in the bit approaching the closed gate. Did a slightly longer walk than yours today and only saw 3 people and only one would have seen me but even then he took a different path. As the Ocknell camp site has not opened and will probably not this year I think there are probably fewer people about.

    • DavidA says:

      Yes, thanks for this Rob.
      There is a slightly longer walk up to Mogshade Hill (coming soon) – is that the route you were referring to?

      Also, the Ocknell Pond car park is closed throughout the winter months usually being opened 1st April but with Covid this year, it has remained closed. Parking is available over the road at Cadmans Pool.

      • Rob says:

        My route just widens your route and ends up just under 5 miles and doable comfortably in 1hr 45m. I did it yesterday in 1hr 30m but it was a bit chilly so I was keeping warm :). Have just emailed a copy to you.

  2. Rob says:

    Ocknell Pond car park opened again yesterday. Typical isn’t it. Do you think NFPA are reading your blog? 🙂

    • DavidA says:

      Could be – I noticed it on my way to Milkham. Good the car park is open – more nude time 😀

  3. Craig says:

    Very interested to try a long walk. But a bit worried I haven’t done it before. What is the best time of the week to go so to avoid textiles? Im pretty new to this, bit have alot of time to give it a go.

    • DavidA says:

      Hi Craig. I would say best time is during the week and head out around 10am (ish) for a couple of hours. Of course, we can’t guarantee that you won’t encounter any textiles but all I have come across are pretty OK and don’t bat an eyelid. If you email me, I’ll let you know when I’m next going and you can have a socially distanced walk 😀

      • Craig says:

        I went out and had a look today. Seems like a very good place. A little to cold at the moment.
        I don’t know how to email you? But yeah sounds good

        • DavidA says:

          Yes, weather can be a problem. I was hoping for another walk on Saturday but with 90% chance of rain, might need the umbrella :D.

          Anyway, you can email me using via the Contact page; link above.

  4. John says:

    Is the car park at Ocknell Pond still closed? (April 2021)

    • DavidA says:

      Hi John. Apologies for delay – I was planning a walk out today (15th April) so wanted to check. The Ocknell car park is still closed so will need to park over the road at Cadman’s Pool.

  5. Louis says:

    Anyone planning to walk this week as the weather is looking superb?

    • DavidA says:

      Hi Louis; probably not a good way to see if anyone is up for a walk on here as posts don’t often get seen quick enough. I am planning a “club” which any naturist can join (free) with a dedicated messaging system so impromptu walks can take place at short notice. Watch the website.

  6. Brian Heyworth says:

    I would be interested if you do plan a walk, I’ve done about 4 walks round there naked last couple of years

    • DavidA says:

      Keep an eye on the “Club” page where these walks (and other events) will be listed as and when they’re planned. We also plan to have a dedicated messaging group too.

  7. Brian h says:

    I’m hoping to do more walks in that area. I usually park at the Canadian memorial then under the A31 then Ocknell Pond and back. Let me know if there’s anything planned

  8. Brian Heyworth says:

    Thanks David

  9. Phil says:

    8% chance of encountering “textiles” (I don’t like that terminology, but hey!)? First 5 minutes of walking today, I encounter three. A cyclist and two walkers. I didn’t get time to put my shorts on with the cyclist and saw the walkers in plenty of time.

    Good walk though!

    • DavidA says:

      Hi Phil and many thanks for your comment. The 8% chance of encountering textiles is based on an average; sometimes I have seen absolutely no one for the entire walk and other times I have come across around a dozen but on the whole, the area is pretty devoid of human activity. Also, a lot depends on what day and time you walk too; obviously weekends will see more people than during the week and lunchtimes seems to be the busier time too.

      Anyway, glad you enjoyed your walk and hopefully many more to come.

      • Phil says:

        To be honest, it was just my kind of luck!

        It was mid-morning and mid-week. So it should have been relatively quiet. The cyclist just rode past and said ‘Hi’. And although I think the walkers saw me fumbling to put my shorts on, they didn’t say anything and didn’t even look bothered.

        I’m not very confident going nude in places I don’t know for the first time. I’ll definitely do it again and hopefully bring someone along with me too.

        I no longer live in the area, but will try getting down and discovering some places of my own. If I do, I’ll post them here.

        • DavidA says:

          Excellent – yes, any walks let us know and don’t forget pictures too.

          • Brian Heyworth says:

            There’s the path that takes you under the A31, that can be busy, there’s some paths just for walking to the east of the cycle path I use. Don’t know how to send pics

          • DavidA says:

            I think I know the one you mean; as you walk along the track from Ocknell Pond, there is a small clump forest on the left and a subway that takes you under the A31 – is that the one you mean? If so, continue along it and it takes you up to Mogshade Hill and the Canadian War Memorial. You can park up this side and do the Ocknell walk in reverse and yes, that side of the A31 does get a little busier.

            For sending pics, just use the Contact Us page and click the “Choose File” button to select your images and click send or you can email them to admin@greatbritishnaturism.co.uk

  10. Brian Heyworth says:

    OK cheers, yes I normally park at Canadian war memorial then up to Cadmans pool then back to Ocknell, 20 minute break there then back. Usually quiet

  11. Louise says:

    Hi i would love to join someone on a walk 10th or 11th June preferably early morning, im fairly new to naturism so if anyone is free?

    • DavidA says:

      We’re looking at setting up a local “club” via a messaging app so people who want to do an impromptu walk, can let others know and then maybe a small group can get together. This club will also do other events I’m planning so keep an eye on the web site.

      • Louise says:

        Hi David did you set up an app? If so would love to join

        • admin says:

          Yes, we have a Whatsapp group which I’m trying to boost. Email me your number and I’ll add you.
          I can’t do the 6th (teaching) but someone else might be able to.

          • Phil says:

            Is this WhatsApp Group still going? If so, I’d like to join. I doubt I’ll be too active, but will join in on a walk if and when I can!

          • admin says:

            Email me your number and I’ll add you 🙂

          • Phil says:

            You should have received a message from me with my number.

          • admin says:

            Nothing received yet – please email to admin@greatbritishnaturism.co.uk

          • Phil says:

            Emailed… Not heard anything yet. Have I been added? Ta 🙂

          • admin says:

            Just received it – slight issue with email but fixed now. I’ll add you shortly.

  12. Brian Heyworth says:

    Did a twist on the normal route. 6 miles, along the path under the A31 turn left and head up to Andrews mare lake, then try another path back to the A31 tunnel

  13. John says:

    I’ve enjoyed a couple of early Sunday morning naked walks from Ocknell in the past month, both starting at Cadnam Pool and sort of cirumnavigating Slufter’s Inclosure. Looking forward to further exploration of the vicinity , I’m more familiar with the area around Denny Lodge and Shatterford which is more forest and less heath.
    Also pleasantly surprised by Longdown too, stopped off for a late evening walk last week, very quiet area op open forest and heath considering it’s only a mile or so down the road from Colbury.

    • DavidA says:

      Yes, Ocknell and Cadman’s Pool area are great for walks.

      Even better now that Ocknell car park is finally open.

    • Phil says:

      I’ve considered the Longdown area, but dismissed it as it was always busy back in the day. Might try it next year now.

      • admin says:

        Worth trying any area – the more areas we can go nude, the better and the more nudity will become normal.

  14. Paul says:

    What post code do you put in for the Ocknell Pond car park as I want to visit this Friday afternoon?

    • DavidA says:

      Hi Paul. I don’t think there is a post code for it as it’s in the New Forest. Best is to look at Maps and search Ocknell Pond, then use that to get there.

    • Phil says:

      If you use What3Words, you’ll find it here:


  15. John says:

    Anyone still bothering with any cover up when encountering textiles, as all legal to be nude these days?

    Always take copy of guidance:


    • DavidA says:

      I still do cover up but it really depends on the situation. If I’ve already been seen, then I tend not to bother unless it’s a group of school children or something like that. If I see them first, then I consider the options. You must also consider your own safety too – there was a report of a naturist beaten up for being nude so although it’s not illegal, not every knows that OR cares.

  16. Nick says:

    Visited Ocknell pond just for the walk.
    Due to car park being closed (massive bonus as less people on walk)
    I parked in Cadmans pool/pond opposite side of the road. You get GPS signal throughout the walk. But if relying on map take a screenshot and conserve battery by turning flight mode on. I had 15% batt lol
    Found the carpark, said hello to the very friendly calves. Yes it was Sunday…. Golden rule for less textiles is weekdays.
    If ever there was a time to get the clothes off, this was it.
    Sun cream on and sarong to hand.
    20 minutes later, I came across two old families on bikes. Sarong on confidently said hello a few smiles and hellos back and carried on. The rest of the walk was amazing too.

  17. Dave says:

    Anyone tried recently?
    Carpark still closed but have a short try

    • admin says:

      I was there about a week ago (beginning July) and it was still closed. Did mean you could do a 100% nude walk without fear of bumping into poeple 🙂

  18. Mick says:

    Hi a big thank you to all on this blog encouraged to do my first Nude hike today parked in Cadman Pools crossed over the road then shorts off and twice round Ocknell Pond route plus lunch did not see another soul for 2.5 hours in total bliss.Will be there again for sure thanks again .

    • admin says:

      You are very welcome and glad you were able to do your first nude hike – Ocknell is a great place for “first timers” as well as seasoned veterans. Along with being almost scarce of other human life, it is also a nice walk that’s not too strenuous. Hope to see you out there one day soon.

      • Mick says:

        I am a big walker is there any think you would recommend of a greater distance please

        • admin says:

          You could do the Mogshade Hill walk (https://greatbritishnaturism.co.uk/mogshade-hill-new-forest/) which is an extention to the Ocknell Pond route or have a look at Milkham area – quite a big expanse and lots of detour routes too taking you through some nice countryside.

  19. Louise says:

    Hi anyone fancy joining me for a walk Aug 6th anytime?

  20. Vitaliy says:

    Hi there. My name is Vitaliy and I’m Ukrainian but live in London since 2017. Most of the time I’m nude at home but never did naked walks outdoor. So today I’ve decided to take a shoot at Ocknell Pond. I’ve arrived around 5pm, the car park was closed so I parked at the car park across the road. There was just one car so I thought it’s not busy time. I walked enough to not be seen from the road and took my clothes off. It’s really good feelings to be naked in nature. I’ve met people there just twice – first time it was two women cycling and I didn’t have enough time to take my shorts on, they popped up from a corner and I took my hat to cover myself. They looked quite surprised to see naked man but just quick hello and they went away. Second time was at the end of route. it was group of people and when they spotted me, they start laugh so loud so I’ve managed to take shorts on, get to the car and drive home.
    So here is my very first and such sad experience. I understand that people can react different but I’m not sure if I will do it again, maybe I would but not alone. Unfortunately, I have no friends who can be interested in such events.

    • admin says:

      Hi Vitaliy and welcome to GBN. Glad you managed to get out for a walk which I hope you found enjoyable. You will encounter different reactions to nudity and with experience, you will find the best way that suits you on how you react to them. Quite often, it is too late to cover up as sometimes people do just appear so you just need to smile, say hello and walk on. Remember, nudity is NOT illegal and you’re doing nothing wrong. When I’m out walking, I am always looking forward as well as behind in order to get as much advance notice of other people as possible – then I can decide how I am going to handle the situation. Some walkers don’t cover up, others do.

      We have a Whatsapp group here for people who want to meet up and go for a walk or the beach – if you email me your number, I’ll add you.

      • Vitaliy says:

        Thank you. I really enjoyed the walk. Maybe exept the moment when I met that group of people. Luck of experience, I guess)). But everything was great.
        I’m gonna email you my phone number through “Contact us” form. Would be great to meet you guys.

  21. Robert says:

    Yes Aug 6 is good as we are in for better weather again
    I live in the New Forest
    And I have a Ukrainian family with me now
    But I miss the nude beach in Kyiv

  22. Robert says:

    The car park was closed yesterday August 11th

  23. John H says:

    Saturday morning was the first time I’ve bumped into a fellow naked hiker, although I was clothed at the time. Was it one of the guys on here? Anout half a mile south of Ocknell car park, around 10am. Tall, tanned (of course) elderly chap with black bumbag and wearing SOS Talisman, we chatted briefly and went our separate ways, I stripped off for the remainder of the walk back to the car.

    • Bob says:

      I did the Ocknell walk with a group of four people about three years ago, but lost contact with them. Would love to go naked hiking again, but don’t really fancy doing it on my own as I am worried about meeting unsavoury types of people. At least when there is more than one of you, you feel safer.
      If anyone is planning to do the walk in the near future (September) then please let us know so that we can join you.

  24. robert Eyles says:

    The car park is open now Aug 23.
    However it will be closed 2pm Aug 25 until the next day
    There is signage both here and other car parks with the same message
    Hope this is helpful az

  25. Robert says:

    Maybe the weather will be good enough for a walk this Saturday
    Usually I don’t see anyone once away from the car park

  26. Robert says:

    The weather looks promising in Monday at the moment as well

  27. Guy H says:

    Hi all, is this walk still a good naked walking track? The last post on here is September last year, just thinking that maybe things have changed.

  28. Guy Taddiford says:

    Hi all, I notice that the last post on this topic was in early September, is it still a place that naturists go walking?

  29. Guy Taddiford says:

    Hi all, Thanks for your reply admin, I have noticed, (if I’m correct)that there is one female that has posted on this thread, are the walks attended by couples/single females, or is it just guys? I know from other naturist sites that they do tend to be more male posts than female. Be nice to walk with a mixed group.

    • Phil says:

      It’d be nice to get some more females to join in. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any that are willing to join. But will keep an eye/ear out.

      Also, (this is directed at Admin), would it be a good idea to set this up as a forum? I do check back now and then for new messages, but it’s not easy to navigate. I’m sure there are services out there that could make it possible.

      • admin says:

        Hi Phil. There definately seems to be a lack of lady naturists who are willing to join us on walks – not sure the reason why. I know that the split between male/female naturists is biased toward us gents so that could also be a factor. Hoping to get some “advertising” out there this year and encourage more to join the group so hopefully more ladies will join as well.

        As for forum, I did orginally have one on here but the maintenance was too time consuming (fitting it in with a full time job) and security was an issue too but that was a few years back. I will look into this again and see if anything has changed that means an implementation would work.

        • Phil says:

          Thanks for the reply.

          I think any ‘real’ nudist male understands why many women would be reluctant to join us men on a walk, It’s a true shame, but completely understandable. I admit, I’m hesitant to join other men. But want to try it. It’d be interesting to hear the thoughts from the couple of ladies who have posted on here previously.

          Also get the issue of admin on a forum. I’m an admin on a local FB group that has close to 75k members. There’s about six of us and it takes up a huge amount of time. Then you get no thanks for it, as certain people don’t realise you have a full time job and are volunteers to act as admin.

  30. Trevor Prout says:

    I went there today Friday morning for the first time, raining and a bit cold but still done my first naked walk. I didn’t manage the fall walk, wasn’t
    To sure if I was going the right way, l walked down a bit of a lane for while then turned around came back a bit then walked so far in the woods.

    Will try again in a few weeks

    • admin says:

      At least you went out there – well done. Keep us updated with your walks and any issues (if any) you come across.

      • Guy Taddiford says:

        Went to do the walk yesterday, left carpark and headed out across open heath land. Didn’t see anyone else but the wind was quite cold, was ok in the sunshine behind the bushes when I had a picnic. Still very wet under foot so walking boots are a must.
        Too cold for me in the wind, so turned around and back to carpark. Will try again later in the year when it’s warmer!

  31. Dave says:

    Anyone tried recently? Weather starting to get better

  32. Robert says:

    As of Thursday this car park was closed but just park overthe road

  33. Craig says:

    I explore alot of naked walking areas. My favourite being within bolderwood in the evenings. Iv tried ocknell a few times it’s ok
    Can I be added to the group

    • admin says:

      No problem – if you send admin an email with your phone number, we’ll add you to the WhatsApp group.

  34. John says:

    I have a set route here which is a variation on the Ocknell walk but almost twice the distance, a ninety minutes brisk walk including Slufter’s Inclosure down as far as the road . I’ve done this a couple of times in July without seeing anyone apart from a distant cyclist , both times parking at Cadman’s Pool 7:30am Saturday morning. There’s potential to extend to Milkham too , maybe one for midweek when time permits.

    Admin, I’ve sent a message requesting addition to whatsapp group.

  35. Colin Gilbert says:

    Hello I would love to join your group as I’m in Southampton.
    I’m a BN member

  36. Jon says:

    Hi all I pretty much go for a nuddy walk most weekend’s around the forest most of the year. And never seen another nude walker on route. I can’t believe I’m the only one? Or am I.

    • admin says:

      I’ve been walking the route (when solo) for over 10 years and only ever met 1 other naked person 🙂 Don’t dwell on it – you can join the WhatsApp group and arrange walks with others if you wish. Just send an email to admin with your mobile number and I’ll set you up.

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